This is an illustration by Liverpudlian artist Boneface (a
pseudonym). The piece was created as a promotional image for the song 'If I Had
a Tail' by Queens of the Stone Age from their 2013 album '...Like Clockwork'.
Boneface did all the promotional artwork for the album, including the album
cover, as well collaborating with animator Liam Brazier to create music videos
for 5 songs from the album.
This image was drawn digitally, and based on lyrics from the
song it was a promotion for. One of the lyrics in the chorus is, 'if I had a
tail, I'd own the night', and the image depicts a lone, tailed figure holding a
small dagger facing off against five figures brandishing various weapons,
suggesting that this figure is indeed in control of the situation. Similarly, the
inclusion of the album title as a speech bubble from the figure in the foreground
suggests a cocky confidence in terms of who will win the impending fight.
The smoke in front of the silhouetted figures helps to
obscure them as we are led to focus on the foreground figure, who is drawn in
bold lines and centred in the middle of the piece.
The typography of the song title is bold but still simple
and easy to read, so that the viewer focuses on the image still and the ideas
behind the song title. The choice to use just one bold colour for all the album
artwork and the drawings in black and white also provides a dark contrast,
which suits the alternative rock genre of the music. The tone in this piece, all
the album artwork and animations match the tone of the songs on the album.
As a promotional piece, it does intrigue the viewer to
listen to the song and watch the accompanying music video, as it is a narrative
piece and the song and video will perhaps clarify what's going on in the piece,
including the events that led up to it and the aftermath.