Friday, 8 January 2016

Artist influences - Kyle T Webster

This post is kinda related to the book project we're currently doing for the Visual Narratives module. I've made a blog post on my Studio Practice blog about artists that have influenced that project (which also relates to PPP) but I haven't mentioned Kyle T Webster in that particular post because what I want to say about him relates more to PPP than that module (although it does relate to that blog post!!).

In the blog post on my SP blog I talked about how I want to experiment more with shape and colour, having experimented with it in Vis Lang and looking at other artists who use those elements well. I'm much more of a 'black line' person. But this also relates to how I want to be a diverse and open illustrator. I want to be able to do a bit of everything and do it well!

Here's where Kyle comes in. During the Big Heads talk with him (which I didn't originally blog about because I hadn't got the hang of blogging yet), we looked through his portfolio and I noticed what a range of visual signatures he exhibited. For example:

These images are all have different aesthetics but they're all by Webster. I often feel like I want to make images in different ways and not stick to one style. I've been feeling that a lot in the past few months as I've started the course and progressed through the different modules and briefs - we've been pushed in different directions, limited, challenged and encouraged to open our minds to different ways of thinking and image-making. And I've been feeling it and loving it! I want to try all the things!! And do them well! My goal is to have a portfolio as diverse as Webster's by the time I finish the course.

Although I don't necessarily like all of Webster's work personally (some of the visual signatures he shows isn't what I'm interested in making myself), I can still admire his open-mindedness and skill in each area, and it's something I want to reflect in my own way.

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