Thursday, 21 January 2016

OUIL405 Visual Narratives evaluation

1.  Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?

·         Developed my use of colour and shape, steering away from my usual choice of black line.
·         I've also developed my use of research within my work, finding the personal research trips helpful in developing my ideas through taking pictures and drawing - problem-solving to see which ideas work best.

2. Which approaches to research have you found most valuable during this module. How have you interrogated your research to identify appropriate ideas?

·         I found the personal research trip very useful for developing ideas - taking lots of pictures and identifying visual themes that I was interested in through drawing.
·         Artist research has also been an ongoing useful way of exploring new ideas and finding inspiration.

3. What strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised on these? What aspects of your submission are you satisfied with?

·         I've stepped out of my comfort zone by focusing shape and colour. I still need to play around with these elements more but I feel confident that through experimentation, my proficiency with colour and shape has improved.
·         I've looked at other artists' work and I inform my practice by being aware of what other practitioners are doing, and I'm regularly looking through platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest.
·         I'm pleased with my final outcome of the module, despite struggling over the past few months with motivation problems due to mild depression. I'm proud of what I've managed to produce even if it's not my best work.

4. What areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how will you address these in the future?

·         As with the last module, I've recognised that I need to address my time management and sleep schedule - these problems in the past month or so have been exacerbated by personal issues, and I'm concentrating on fixing them by talking to people and perhaps organising timetables for myself.
·         I could have conducted more research, both primary and secondary, and experimented in my sketchbook more, with a wider variety of media.
·         I felt that because I was stepping out of my comfort zone by using shape and colour, I didn't want to push myself too hard to use media I was uncomfortable with, but I did play around with a select few in order to finalise ideas for my book.

5. How effectively are you making decisions about the development of your work?
What strategies informs this decision making?

·         My decision making process can be disorganised - for example, struggling to decide on my final idea. Talking to people about my ideas helps me to realise which ideas have potential. Although I don't always agree with their perspectives, it helps me to make realisations and decisions about my work.
·         I use my sketchbook to make decisions about colour and media, as well as continuing to use roughs and storyboards to decide what works best visually.
·         Reflecting on my work on my blog also helps shed new light on my ideas, as thinking critically allows me to realise what's working and even generate wholly new ideas.

6. How effectively have you managed this project and organised yourself during this module?

·         I've not managed this project very well. From the beginning I was struggling with sleep problems and mild depression, which has affected my motivation and time-management. Although I've been trying to work through it with the help and support of others, there have been times where I've not done this as well as I could have. As a result, there are areas throughout this module where I feel I could have done a lot better.

7.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


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