We looked at these two during the Visual Language session on composition, and I've fallen in love with both of their styles.
Tomer Hanuka's work (left) has a much more narrative (in my opinion) quality to it, and a focus on character and storytelling withing his work. This piece is a poster for the movie The Warriors, which is obviously a narrative itself, but these themes come across in his other work too.
Ngai on the other hand seems to me to be more of an editorial illustrator - her work, although it does have a narrative and character element, comes across to me as singular pieces made for a specific context rather than part of a wider story.
The main thing I admire though about both illustrators is their digital ability. I'd like to be able to use digital media as well as these two do. Their line quality and use of colour through Photoshop (or similar) is something I want to get better at myself. I've not pushed myself to work much with digital this year - I'm a bit of a perfectionist and my mentality is that if I can't do something right the first time then I don't want to try and fail. I'm working on improving this mentality into something more productive, so that I take more risks and experiment with my work. And above all else, be exhaustive! Draw LOTS! Draw things many times until I can do it with my left hand and eyes shut type thing. I need to use my sketchbook (analouge OR digital) for its intended use - sketching. Not perfect finished pieces. I need to practice, get the hours in and actually try, not just sit around and wait for the skills to come to me.
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